What's so specail about our Men's Shed .

The  Pinjarra Men's Shed is a place where mature adults can interact together in a social setting , and yet , if they wish , have the ability to learn new skills , or develop their current skills that they have learned through life, and with such a fast array of talents , are able to design and manufacture many items of their choice , in many different materials using high tech machinery offered to them. 

Many of the Members are at a stage in their lives where they need , in some way to be proactive. If it's repairing bicycles, Sand Blasting an old rusty item , making or repairing furniture or designing something special. 

More importantly It's a time in their lives where they have freedom of choice of creativity , in a freindly safe environment. 

Our Management and Committee Members 

The Pinjarra Community Men's Shed works towards the following objectives:

To advance the well-being and health of our members

To provide a safe and friendly environment where our members are able to work on meaningful projects at their own pace, in their own time and in the company of other members

To promote and develop activities for members within the Pinjarra community

The Management Committee is currently made up of the following members:

          Jim. Salmon                ( Chairman )

          Boyd.Parry                  ( Vice Chairman )

   Committee Members


  Rob Hodgkinson      Bob Halford     Margaret Halford    Dawn Hodgkinson (Secretary)   Rick Bank           Ross Philip   Jayden Satzzewski